15 mrt 2012


So, ever since I had my bunnies Babs and Sandy I entered a couple of forums. On one of them there always is a contest. This month the subject was bunnybutts. I decided to take one of my girls and one of the males to have their butts on the picture.
The male was easy. It had to be Isaac because I entered with Trub last time. Isaac was not in the mood to have his behind on the picture so he kept jumping down the box they were on. Little did he know I loved the picture of him jumping down so that one was send in.

The other picture was easy as well, my girl had to be Sunny because Zinzi has long hair, nobody would recognize her butt unless I wrote it down on her. Sunny kept standing still so it was alot easier with her.

Wonder if my buns have a shot against the other people who send in pictures of their buns!

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