17 mei 2012

The fighting fish who lived here

I found out that I am pretty quiet here lately so I decided to put up a new blog.

A little while ago I bought 3 Siamese Fighting Fish, 1 male and 2 females. I haven't posted about them yet so this blog will be about them.

I've had fighting fish before but 1 I had to sell because he started to kill all the other fish in my tank. This is the killing fighting fish:

The second came after my Guppy's left the tank since the first focussed his killings on them. He was a beautiful one and was harmless to the other fish. Unfortunally he ended up being eaten by my killing lobster. This is him:

My new male is here for about a month now together with his two females. I only have a picture of the male. One of the females is a dark blue and the other a light pink.
This male is a nice one as well. Leaves the other fish alone but isn't afraid to try to impress his own reflection as he was doing on this next picture.

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