12 dec 2011

Goat and Sheep lambs kicking ass!

I was thinking about making a blogpost but couldn't find a subject for it. To be honest I still do not know where I should make this about so after I am done brabbling away over how I have not yet decided what I want to make my blog about I will simpely look what I have to offer.

So, now that brabbling is over it is finally time for some pictures!!

And I found the topic I'm going to use today!
Last summer I was happily surprised when I fun sight caught my eye when I had my camera with me. There were two lambs playing together but those lambs were not of the same species. Just look at how cute and at how long they went on like this! All the pictures were taken at the same day.

I'm still not really sure who won in the end. The sheep certainly was heavier and could use more weight in the play but the goat was smaller, could easily get on her hindlegs to charge and with that give a hard blow because of the speed! All I know was that this happened in the end:
Was she running away in defeat or do you guys think she ran away knowing she won the fight and went to look for her mom to tell her the good news?

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