17 jan 2012

Poor Vucko

Ever since I first read about the fate of the German Shephard named Vucko I have been sickened by how people could do this to a poor animal. Vucko obviously meant no harm, if he had those boys would not have been able to tape the firecracker in his mouth and set it off.
I haven't really followed up on what happened and if he got justice but last time I checked the petition was still online waiting to be signed so if you haven't signed the petition to find justice for this poor animal visit my previous blog where you will find the link to the petition CLICK

Eventhough I have not been following up on the progress of getting the boys who did this to this poor animal a proper punishment, that does not mean I am forgetting about the cruesome pictures I saw when reading into this. The pictures I used on my blog before, the video of the examination done by the vet and most of all I can not forget how horrible this dog's last days must have been. I can't imagine having to wonder around missing part of my body, unable to drink or eat, unable to defend myself, not having a warm place to sleep or a roof to find cover from the rain. This poor dog had no place to stay, no warm place to sleep and was unable to eat or drink for days while he wandered around in agonizing pain. He lost half of his face and the wound had become infected and maggots had covered the wound in those few days. Can you imagine having to wander around like that?
I know I am not the only one who is sickened by this, I know you care about Vucko too, enough to let your voice be heard? Please sign the petition!

Eventhough the post about Vucko is more then a month old, it still receives views every day. If everybody who views signs that petition we will be a step in the right direction!

Now, I have had some replies of people who I told this to that things like this happen everywhere and I know it is true but not everywhere this dog would have been left on the street to fend for himself. There are people who could be called and the dog would have been captured and brought to a vet straight away, at least that is how it is here. I know it is like that in other countries as well but not where Vucko was born.

Now, this blog is not finished without some pictures, you all know I love pictures and with a blog like this I just feel like they belong on this post so people can see what happened, so people know that I am not just saying something when I say his face was blown off but I want to start with something different. I want to start with YOU!!
Yes, you read that right! I want to start with you all and you know why? Every time I get on here to post something I look at my statistics, I am just curious to see where my blog is viewed (and still am amazed by the number of views from America and Russia. I often wonder how you all stumble onto my blog!) and every time I get surprised by how many people actually read my Vucko blog. I know alot may come for the pictures and alot my have dropped out of my rambling post by now but still, I hope the pictures have convinced everybody that something has to be done!

The number of people who viewed the blog about Vucko are remarkably high if you see the rest of the views from the other posts
Every search in the top 10 searches is about Vucko.

And now I warn you, the next pictures are extremely horrible, these are pictures I just found and (as far as I remember) have not used before. I find some of them even more shocking then the pictures of the last blog. For one time I will not end my rambling with enjoy but with the warning that if you have a wear stomach you might NOT want to watch this!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. My poor poor boy. I will play with you in heaven, i will look for you with a big steak and some ice cold water and I will hug you and pet you and lie down with you beside me and tell you what a good boy you are thanks for waiting for me. We will run the fields climb mountains, play ball, hide and seek. You just wait I have so much love to show you...

  2. My poor poor boy. I will play with you in heaven, i will look for you with a big steak and some ice cold water and I will hug you and pet you and lie down with you beside me and tell you what a good boy you are thanks for waiting for me. We will run the fields climb mountains, play ball, hide and seek. You just wait I have so much love to show you...

  3. I don't think I EVER cried this much for an animal I didn't even know. How I wished you could have been adopted by my family, dear Vucko. We would have showed you what it means to be loved and cherished.

    May the beasts who did this to you pay for what they've done. I know the day will come that god is gonna asked them about their crime and demand an answer. That will be the day that justice will finally be served upon you, my boy.
    RIP Vucko.

  4. March 13th poster: I too have never had my heart shattered like this -- I only learned of this yesterday and I have held and hugged my own dog nearly all night. I cannot understand any of this -- the cruelty of it all.

    Did Vucko have an owner? I'm not clear why he wandered for five days. I cannot begin to imagine the horror of his life at that point.

    Has anyone been arrested? Any updates?

    No one can help Vucko now, but certainly I hope the petitions make a different. Making a donation to the SPCA International will somehow help prevent something like this. I don't know.

    I have to go hug my dog again and kiss him a million times on his nose.... sign me, weeping
