28 jan 2012

Strange love

This blog is about a goose but not just a goose, no this blog is about a special goose.
You see, goose like to travel and live in groups but this girl is the only goose of her breed on the petting-zoo. At first she was kind of lonely and always walked alone. Maybe she was looking for a friend or maybe just for food but she was alone. She did not have a family.

However, this girl did end up finding a friend. A friend who nobody expected (at least I did not expect this goose to find a friend like this one) and I guess you, my dear reader, did also not expect to see these two together.

The friend who this goose found is not a goose, not a chicken or a duck, no animal with wings or feathers but an animal with hooves and horns. This girl found a friend in a goat.

If the goat walks away the goose will follow her. Whenever you see the goat, the goose is not far away. This is just a very cute couple, don't you all agree?

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