23 apr 2012

Rest In Peace Zinzi

So, if you came here because you know me on twitter you have already heard the news of my beloved Teddy Widder female Zinzi's death.
Unfortunally this death was way too early, the poor bunnygirl had not even reached the age of 10 months yet.

I am still not sure what caused her death. Somebody I know said that maybe she had a problem with her little heart some defect she was born with, one good scare and that was it. I think that is probably the best explanation I've heard. All I know is that two hours before her death she was fine, she was happily eating a small piece of tomato and two hours later there was a scared squeeck and when I picked her up she was cold, her lips were blue and before I could even get my coat and shoes on for a trip to the vet she died in my arms.

I'll never forget Zinzi, never forget all the times where she hopped away from me when she knew it was time to be brushed, all the times where she laid next to me together with her friend Sunny when the brush was nowhere to be seen. Zinzi will forever hold a place in my heart but at least I know she is safe now, she is with my other girls and boys who already passed away and I know at least Selena and Babs will take very good care of her somewhere on the green fields near the rainbowbridge.

The day I got her she couldn't see a thing because of the hair falling infront of her eyes.

 So the next day I cut the hair on her head
 Sunny adored her big sis

 Pretty blue eyes
 They were so close

 A nice meal together about a month back

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