28 apr 2012


Maybe you remember the blogpost about the mystery black and white cat on the petting zoo. If not, here's the link to: Who are you?

The strange cat was at the petting zoo for 2 weeks before he was captured. The animal was hungry and very light. He obviously had lost a lot of weight when he was walking around lost.

Now I have the answers to the questions in that other post. His name is Pip but before his owner was found we started to call him Snoes so that is still his name now. He had been missing for about a month and didn't even really live that far away from the petting zoo. His owners had even looked for him in the park but hadn't found him back then.
It appears he came from the shelter in first place. He had been pretty old back then and that was six years ago. He is about 14 maybe even 15 years old now.
His owner was very shocked when she saw how skinny he was.

But eventhough his owner is found he still lives on the petting zoo. She thought it was better if he stayed since he likes going outside and with her he is not able to go outside. He's a sweety, yesterday afternoon he spend the whole time outside, walking to the visitors, cuddling with the kids, making people fall for his sweetness and cuteness and meeting some new animals.

These pictures are taken between Easter and today.

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